Most of the programming in this project is done in labview. This is contolled by an NI PXI Device with NI 5752 IO cards. Ultrasound hardware will be connected via cable to these cards and analyzed in labVIEW.
Aaron Tainter (Programming Lead and Website)
Haoyu Wang (Presentations and Documents)
Jingyu Xie (Scheduler and Hardware)
A system that captures realtime imagery of the brain
Our task is to create the software that interfaces with our own custom signal generation hardware. Ultrasound Pulse signals will be transmitted and received by the system and controlled by our software. Received data is analyzed and converted into imagery that can be viewed by the user.
Our main goal is to produce functional elements for a working product. In order to accomplish this, we must fulfill these functional requirements:
Multiple technologies were used to complete this project.
Most of the programming in this project is done in labview. This is contolled by an NI PXI Device with NI 5752 IO cards. Ultrasound hardware will be connected via cable to these cards and analyzed in labVIEW.
We use PCB development in order to produce the hardware for this project. PCB elements include Analog/Digital test boards, amplification circuits and a Beam former Facade. All PCB Develepment will be done in MultiSim.
This section contains the documentation for our work.